Contents view

The contents view is the default view when you open the dashboard. It will show you all the pages in your project, and allow you to filter and sort them.

Dashboard - Contents view

Card configuration

Card field configuration

If you want to change the fields/values that are shown on the content card, you can do so by using the following settings:

frontMatter.dashboard.content.card.fields.titleThe field name to use for the title.""
frontMatter.dashboard.content.card.fields.descriptionThe field name to use for the description.""
frontMatter.dashboard.content.card.fields.stateShow/hide the state/draft status. Set to false to hide it.true
frontMatter.dashboard.content.card.fields.dateShow/hide the date. Set to false to hide it.true

Card tags

The tags underneath the content abstract/description is changable. By default, the card will show the value of the tags field, but you can update the field by specifying the value in the frontMatter.dashboard.content.cardTags setting.

Card tags

Card UI extensibility

In case you want to take more control over the card UI, you can add your own custom code by using our extensibility library. More information about this can be found in the UI extensibility section.

Draft status navigation

By default, the contents view will show all your pages, and will you will be able to filter by draft and published pages.

Draft filters

If you want to use other statuses, you can do so by specifying your own draft field and value.


Set a custom draft field.

Draft filters


By default, the content view will show all your pages, but you can filter them by using the following filter:

  • Content folder (when you have multiple registered)
  • Tag filter
  • Category filter

You can change the default filters, or configure your own by updating the frontMatter.content.filters setting.

Configure filters

The default filter configuration is as follows:

Default content filters configuration
  "frontMatter.content.filters": [

You can change the default filters, or configure your own by updating the frontMatter.content.filters setting as follows:

Example of adding custom filters
  "frontMatter.content.filters": [
      "title": "My custom filter",
      "name": "field-name",

The name property should be the name of the front matter field you want to filter by.


By default, the content is sorted by the following options:

  • Last modified
  • Filename (asc/desc)

You can change the sorting options by specifying the frontMatter.content.sorting setting. This setting allows you to define the sorting options for the content view.

Configure sorting options

titleThe title of the sorting option""
nameThe name of the field to sort by (needs to be present in your content its front matter)""
orderThe order of the sorting (ascending or descending). Option values to use: asc or desc.""
typeThe type of field value. Option values to use: string, date, and number.""
Example of adding custom sorting options
  "frontMatter.content.sorting": [
      "title": "Date (asc)",
      "name": "date",
      "order": "asc",
      "type": "date"
      "title": "Date (desc)",
      "name": "date",
      "order": "desc",
      "type": "date"

Default sorting

To define your default sorting options by setting the frontMatter.content.defaultSorting setting for the content view, and the setting for the media view.

Show on startup

If you want, you can check on the Open on startup? checkbox. This setting will allow the dashboard to automatically open when you launch the project in VS Code. It will only apply to the current project, not for all of them.

Content pagination

By default, the content is paginated by 16 items. If you want, you can disable the pagination by setting the frontMatter.dashboard.content.pagination setting to false. In case you want to change the number of items per page, you can specify a number in the same setting.

Content pinning

In case you have content which you want to highlight, or use frequently. You can pin it to the top of the content view. This will allow you to quickly access.

Pin content to your dashboard


Last updated on

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